I just received back a great review from Lovereading.co.uk.
I am emailing in regards to your submission of Roger The Boxer: I am
just passing through to LoveReading for review. I have now heard from our
ambassador and I include their feedback below:
An autobiographical narrative with plenty of highs and lows.
‘Roger the Boxer: I am just passing through’ by Roger Canon is an open
and honest, no holds barred, no nonsense reflection by the author on his life.
Filled with colourful characters and told by someone who was a part of a
colourful crowd, this is Roger the Boxer’s story. There are elements of self
reflection throughout and although truthfully describing the scrapes and
predicaments he finds himself in over the years I liked that the author managed
to maintain a more neutral tone – neither glorifying nor excessively condemning
his past.
Running through his early life, his time in the boxing ring and on the
rugby pitch, his tendencies towards violence and use of cocaine, his prison
sentence and how he steadily turned his life around and built a successful
business. Throughout, Canon portrays himself in a way that’s relatable – he’s a
human, who has made a lot of mistakes, but has hopefully managed to learn from
them and worked on healing their root causes. ‘Roger the Boxer: I am just
passing through’ is an interesting read, the life and times of a working class
Cockney battled through in ‘a mostly catastrophic manner’. This book delivered
insight into a world and perspective I would not have known previously, from
the obvious to the author’s seemingly straightforward experience of acquiring
his first mortgage. I think that this is an illuminating read for fans of
I hope you enjoy reading my book.
Roger Canon
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